Visit to the KLI Institute & Art Performance "Theory of Flight"

An EvoDevo Performance by Anna Lindemann

Theory of Flight, a performance inspired by evolution and development, will be presented as part of an after-conference program of the 2014 Euro Evo Devo meeting in Vienna. The performance will take place at the KLI Institute on July 26. 

Research meets fantasy in Theory of Flight, a solo lecture-performance by Anna Lindemann, a composer and artist trained in evolutionary and developmental biology. In a twist on the ancient myth of Icarus, a lecturing scientist reveals she’s been growing her own wings using avian genes. Animated chalkboard diagrams convey the molecular biology, while vocal music and animated silhouettes advance the plot, about the risks and rewards of pursuing impossible research.

Theory of Flight is a unique tour-de-force of science-inspired art,” raves author, philosopher and musician David Rothenberg. “Anna Lindemann is a brilliant animator, composer, and performer who really has the audience unsure whether she is biologist or artist as she tells us all what is necessary to truly learn to fly. This work marks the birth of a whole new genre.”

Euro Evo Devo conference attendees can make reservations for the KLI excursion and Theory of Flight performance using the online conference registration form. Non-conference attendees can make reservations for the excursion and performance by emailing

The performance run time is 50 minutes. The performance will be followed by refreshments and a talkback with the artist.

For more information and to view a video preview of the performance please visit

What:KLI excursion and Theory of Flight performance
Where:KLI Institute, Martinstraße 12, A-3400, Klosterneuburg, AUSTRIA
When:Saturday 26 July 2014 | 5.00 pm (entrance 4.00 pm)
Attendees are invited to visit the KLI Institute’s new building throughout the day. The Theory of Flight performance will begin at 5pm


Short Biography:

Anna Lindemann creates work that integrates multi-disciplinary art and biology. Her pieces Theory of Flight, Beetle Bluffs, Winged One, Bird Brain, and The Flying Curiosities of the Plant & Animal Kingdoms combine digital and stop-motion animation, live and electronic music, video, and performance to explore the emerging field of Evo Devo (Evolutionary Developmental Biology). Anna graduated magna cum laude from Yale University with a B.S. in Biology and she received her MFA in Integrated Electronic Arts from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. More about her work can be found at

evodevo2014 | Universitätsring 1  | 1010 Wien
Letzte Änderung: 09.04.2014 - 22:03