Student Poster Competition


Doctoral or Master’s students presenting as first-author a poster at the EED Congress will be eligible to enter our poster competition to win one of


THREE equal-first prizes of an:

Apple iPad-mini tablet computer!


We are very grateful to both BioEssays and Annals of Botany for sponsoring this competition!

There are no themed sections- we will simply choose the three student posters we like the best based on (1) quality and significance of scientific results, (2) clarity of communication and (3) aesthetic quality.

Please indicate when submitting your poster abstract if you wish to enter the competition. Students only, of course!

If you do enter the competition, please bring with you to the Congress (eg on a USB stick) one or two key images from your poster which can be projected at the prize-giving ceremony (to take place at around 17:20 on Fri 25th July) if your poster is chosen to win a prize.



evodevo2014 | Universitätsring 1  | 1010 Wien
Letzte Änderung: 09.04.2014 - 22:20